Write Dirty To Me
Whether you find them enticing, cringy or just plain ol’ funny, sex scenes are often hard to talk about, let alone write. The question is:
Do you think you can do better?
Write Dirty To Me is a competition of the lewd kind. We want you to write the best worst sex-scene.
We’ll be airing the dirty laundry, so to speak, by hanging up the wonderfully smutty entries around the venue. Festival attendees will vote for the best worst sex-scene. The top three submissions will be read out live on stage, with the winner receiving a grand prize!
Entries should be less than 200 words​
Send in as many smutty scenes as you like
No offensive material will be accepted, such as racism, violence, underage or bestiality
Feel free to use a pen name! But include your name and contacts details in your email submission as you might win a prize!
Send your entry to: writedirtytome69@gmail.com
Submissions close 10th September 2018.